Community Development Action Hertfordshire
Ethnic Diverse Community Health & Wellbeing Resources

Dancing is widely recognised as a one of the best activities to improve people’s health and quality of life. Studies have also shown that it can help reduce the risk of dementia and alzheimer’s in later years. Please find below details of free dance activity sessions for Dacorum residents that we offer, with our partners. These are mainly aimed at older adults or those with low mobility (although they are not age restricted and anyone is welcome to join any of the sessions) and are fun and sociable. No dance experience is necessary.
Wake Up and Dance!
At 9am each weekday morning on Zoom, enjoy ten minutes of dancing online to a variety of tunes from across the decades. Each morning a Wake Up and Dance host will welcome everyone, play three songs which you can dance to at home in any way you choose (with your camera on or off). It’s a chance to connect with others, get moving and start the day positively. The sessions run throughout the year and are for all ages. Here’s a very short video of the benefits it has brought to one of the participants
Let’s Dance – seated dance in supported housing schemes
These in-person seated dances sessions take place at DBC Supported Housing Schemes in Tring and Hemel Hempstead and are open to DBC tenants and residents in the wider community who would like to come along. They last for one hour and take place weekly during term-time and include tea, coffee and a chat afterwards for those who want to stay.
Let’s Dance At Home – seated dance sessions on Zoom
These one-hour sessions take place each Friday morning online, during term-time. You can join from the comfort of your home without having to travel anywhere and include a chat afterwards for those who may like to stay on.
For details about how to join the sessions, please visit
The sessions are funded and delivered by DBC Community Partnerships, Active Dacorum, DBC Supported Housing, Dacorum Community Dance and BEEE Creative CIC. If you have any questions or would like to find out more, please email Active Dacorum
Click on the images below for further information
For details and how to apply Click the Poster and visit:
Welcome to the first VCFSE Alliance Newsletter
Click the Poster below to download and read the HWE VCFSE Newsletter April 23
Please take the Survey so that the healthcare experiences of autistic adults across the East of England can be heard and help to improve services.
Click the Pic to take the Survey
Short Videos explaining why it is important to get Covid-19 and Flu Vaccinations. There are versions in many different languages.
Watch here‘It’s OK to ask’ Maternity Cultural curiosity films
The lived experience of diverse communities told by people from the community, industry professionals and midwives.
Watch here

Call us: 03001237538
Better Housing, Better Health – Home Energy Advice
Click on the poster for more information
Homestart Watford & Three Rivers
Watch a Homestart videoNaomi and Rushna talk to Leslie Tate on Radio Dacorum 16/2/22
Listen to the full Interview

Here are three Posters promoting Winter Vaccines
Winter Vaccines OOH D6 Grandad Winter Vaccines OOH D6 GPSurgery 5 Reasons to Protect Young ChildrenJust Giving Fundraising Page for Afghan arrivals in Hertfordshire
Active Lifestyles Recent Newsletter
Dacorum Borough Council community-living/voluntary-organisations-social-enterprises grants
HYH Herts Young Homeless Latest Newsletter
National Careers Service Employment Support
Strength and Balance Classes for those experiencing a decline in their physical ability
Men’s Health & Wellbeing
Hertfordshire Health Walks start again next week (14 June)
Open Door Community and Arts Space, Berkhamsted
Open Door Memory Cafe for People living with Dementia and their Carers
Turn2us – Fighting UK Poverty
Healthy Start Food Vouchers Press Release
Gingerbread, support for single Parents
Carers in Herts – Making Carers Count
Watford FC Activities Timetable
Referral Form for Mind in Mid Herts Services
Mind in Mid Herts Living Well Courses for Wellbeing and Recovery Timetable
Watford Get Active Timetable
Risk Reduction Dementia Information Sheet