Community Development Action Hertfordshire

Why Become a Member of CDA Herts?
We support new and existing community and voluntary groups across Hertfordshire. We can take your voice to the ‘table’ – our staff attend meetings with Parish, Town, District, Borough and County Councils, NHS and other stakeholder & strategic forums. We are the voice for communities, organisations, Village Halls and businesses in rural Herts. You will be supporting a collective effort to highlight and address the issues many communities face in achieving equality and access to vital services and structural support.
Specifically, as a Full Organisational member, we can provide you and your organisation with support and resources including model documents and information sheets especially helpful for Village Halls and small charities and community groups.
Additionally, CDA Herts Membership gives you the opportunity to promote your activities FREE via our website, social media platforms, networking events, and eBulletins, with links to your organisation through our website and Village Halls Directory. Our current audience is approximately 2300 across our various platforms and growing. A year’s membership is a fraction of the cost of advertising an event, vacancy or service in a countywide publication.
Your organisation can receive One hour one-to-one advice and support (cost to non-members £35 per hr +travel exp and any additional costs i.e printing)
such as:
- Support and access to funding advice, policy development, best practice and training
- Assistance with managing and recruiting staff, and Board members
- Direct representation at local, regional and national levels
- Funding information
- Consultation notifications
- Advice on starting a new group
- Governance
- Legal structure
- An Organisational Health Check and follow up support with documentation
- Help/training to set up Social Media accounts
Your organisation can also benefit from:
- Up to 40 regularly updated ACRE National Village Hall Information Sheets and Model Documents, emailed free (normally £10 +P&P each)
- Priority bookings for free events and plots at the Community Garden
- Discounts for fee-paying events, such as Training and Conferences,
- Discounts on customised services we offer, including data analysis, facilitation, bespoke training, workshops and consultation
- e-mail updates, including policy updates, briefings and events
- A copy of our Annual Review & a priority invitation to our AGM
Cost of membership is £36 p.a and membership year is 1/9 to 31/8 each year.
To download a Membership Application form
Click here
Responsibilities of members:
It is expected that all Members will support CDA Herts Vision and Mission and commitment to equality and diversity.
Members’ participation in our Surveys, Consultations, Forums, Partnership Meetings and Stakeholder events is to be welcomed.