Community Development Action Hertfordshire
Oil Buying Group

SAVE £££’s on Heating Oil

Feedback from a recently joined new Member:
“I have just saved over £313 on my first order with the scheme! I was a regular buyer with one supplier who would have charged me 19.89p/litre higher than the group price!
Not a bad return for £24 membership!“
Join the CDA Oil Buying Group. Last year our members saved an average of £100 each.
You are notified when an order is being placed and you reply with the amount you need.
The price is the same whether you order a little or a lot; if you don’t know how much you need you can order a top up and the bill is adjusted after delivery.
All orders are added together and our co ordinator negotiates a much lower price per litre because they are ordering in bulk.
You are then notified which supplier the order has been placed with and you arrange payment and a delivery time that suits you.
You will save much more than the cost of your subscription, currently £24 a year, and save time phoning around the suppliers checking prices. The more members there are the greater the savings and you help reduce CO2 emissions and congestion on rural roads as grouped deliveries require fewer tanker journeys.
call 01993 225011 or email, please quote CDA Herts when you contact them to join our group.
For the 2022 Delivery Deadline Dates for the Community Oil Scheme Please Click Here
Please have your orders to your local co-ordinator or OFPS by midday on the published dates
OFPS, 5 Courtlands Road, Shipton-u-Wychwood, Oxon OX7 6DF
Registered Company Limited by Guarantee No: 8623250
Tel: 01993 225011