Community Development Action Hertfordshire
Rural Issues Network

The Rural Issues Network is a Forum for individuals and organisations which aims to create a collective voice for Hertfordshire’s rural communities, farmers and businesses.
Our Aims:
- To widen participation in debate and decision-making about rural matters in Hertfordshire.
- To give Hertfordshire’s rural businesses and communities a collective voice to bring about positive change.
- To fill the communications gap with Hertfordshire’s Public bodies since the demise of the Herts Rural Forum.
- To represent the interests of rural communities and rural businesses in Hertfordshire.
- To make representations on issues affecting rural life and business.
- To encourage active networking between people, organisations and service providers and across all sectors.
- To promote and share rural best practices.
- To provide a forum for interaction and debate about areas of concern such as rural crime, farming, jobs and growth, affordable housing, services (shops, pubs etc), fuel poverty, energy, transport, broadband, landscape, nature and environment and rural health.
- To actively seek the participation of diverse groups, organisations and individuals in the Network.
- There is a ‘virtual’ Network’
- The Network holds TWO themed meetings per year in rural locations. Past themes have been ‘Farmers and Farming’ and ‘Rural Loneliness’